Sunday, 27 February 2011

Brink of Eternity....

Brink Of Eternity
by Tagore

In desperate hope I go and search for her
in all the corners of my room;
I find her not.

My house is small
and what once has gone from it can never be regained.

But infinite is thy mansion, my lord,
and seeking her I have to come to thy door.

I stand under the golden canopy of thine evening sky
and I lift my eager eyes to thy face.

I have come to the brink of eternity from which nothing can vanish
---no hope, no happiness, no vision of a face seen through tears.

Oh, dip my emptied life into that ocean,
plunge it into the deepest fullness.
Let me for once feel that lost sweet touch
in the allness of the universe

Great Seers and We....

Great Seers
Great seers and we
Like bubbles
One, two and more
In this world of waters in kettle
Ebullition and stream
Transportation from this materialistic world
Into the spiritual world
Our body a vessel to cross the ocean
To reach the shores of the eternal truth
Great Seers
Help us to feel our Atman [ true self]

Thursday, 24 February 2011


Lord Jesus.. the Great One of Galilee...

This is the land of Christians , and any other influence than that is almost zero.Nor do  I care a bit for the enmity of any---ists in the world. I am here amongst the children of the Son of Mary , and the Lord Jesus will help me.They like the broad views of Hinduism and my love for the prophet of Nazareth.I tell them that I preach nothing against the Great One of Galilee. I only ask the Christians to take in the Great Ones of India along with the Lord Jesus, and they appreciate it.----SWAMI VIVEKANAND [ MASSACHUSETTS, 20 AUGUST 1893]

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Sri Paramahansa Yoganandaji

I'm a bubble... make me the Sea...--- Paramahansa Yogananda

Mahatma Buddha...

Born as a prince
Surrounded in luxury
Couldn`t tolerate the misery of the world
Left his princess and new born son
Went in search of truth
At last attained the enlightenment
And attained enlightenment


POR EL DR. SHARMA RAM, Meerut, U.P.India
Nacido como un príncipe
Rodeado de lujo
No podía tolerar la miseria del mundo
.Renunció a su Princesa y su Hijo Recién Nacido
Fue en busca de la Verdad
Por fin alcanzó la Iluminación
Y alcanzó la iluminación
Llega BUDA
Let there be no false bondage , no dependence on me , no false glorification of this passing personality .The Buddha is not a person , he is a realisation. Work out your own salvation--------------MAHATMA BUDDHA

Swami Vivekananda..

This first contact with the reality of life convinced me that unselfish sympathy was a rarity in the world --there was no place in it for the weak , the poor , and the destitute.I noticed that those who only a few days ago would have been proud to have helped me in any way , now turned their faces against me , though they had enough and to spare.--------------SWAMI VIVEKANAND