Saturday, 21 June 2014

be a song...joyful, alive, vital....

osho- A sannyasin has to be a song, not a monk, not a renunciate, but a song: joyful, alive, vital . . . not an escapist, but merging, melting, diving deep into life. Living life in its totality, unconditionally, because this is an opportunity given by God. To escape from it is to escape from God himself. By escaping the world you will never find God; it is by going deeper and deeper into his world that one day you will arrive at him, because he is hidden in his creation. God is not a person, but creativity – you can find him only through searching deep into his existence. The old idea of sannyas, of monkhood, was escapist. My idea of sannyas is just the opposite. It is of love, tremendous love, for life. The old sannyas was sad because it was serious. The new sannyas has a laugh in its very heart, because life is not to be taken seriously but as fun, as a beautiful sport, a play, an acting, a drama. And one has to live it with such intensity and passion, with such fire, that the torch of life burns at both ends simultaneously, only then can one know what bliss is. Bliss is whenever you are totally involved in the moment and there is no past and no future, when just the moment exists and you disappear into the moment holding nothing back, that let-go is bliss. And out of that let-go, a thousand and one songs arise. Life becomes a celebration. Live life as celebration. Then you need not seek and search for God, he will seek and search for you. Whenever a person is ready, God comes. One need not go to God.

Monday, 16 June 2014

you have ONENESS with all....

Do not invent more luxurious things --look back, nature , animals and your fellow beings are waiting for you . Do not be alone in this pursuit -----you have ONENESS with all. --------------------------DR. RAM SHARMA

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Education and wisdom are two different things...

Education and wisdom are two different things .Your degrees can not instill in you any wisdom .You can have money to enjoy the Self only .We need awareness and consciousness that we are not apart but part of this universe, this nature and animals .We should try to care not only just the self but nature and animals round us . ENJOY WITH ALL --NOT JUST ALONE OR SELF . WE ARE ONE --FEEL ONENESS IN ALL------------------------------DR. RAM SHARMA

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Auric energy fields... chakras... Oneness...

Namaste friends... it is quite apparent at the basic energy field level that we are all ONE...

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

One with Oneness...

ABOVE AND ABOVE POEM BY DR. RAM SHARMA Above and above which was sung by the air repeated by the palm trees which has been reflected by the Himalaya and glimpsed by the evening which descended deep into my heart and made me One with Oneness

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Osho Vision...

OSHO VISION My way is the way of the drunkard. I would like you all to be drunk with the divine. Less than that won't do. The mind is calculative, hence it remains superficial. And because it calculates too much it always hesitates; only when the time has gone does it come to a conclusion – but then it is pointless. When the right moment is there the mind goes on thinking and hesitating. The mind is basically an extension of fear. That is not the way to know God. God cannot be known through calculation, through cleverness; God cannot be known by this hesitating mind. It is good in the marketplace but not good in the temple; one has to leave it outside the temple. And to leave the mind outside is to be drunk. Then you function through the heart. Then your heart starts creating a wine of its own and your whole being becomes permeated with it. You start living in a totally different dimension: the dimension of love, the dimension of poetry, the dimension of dance, the dimension of music. Then you are getting away from the marketplace. The way to get away from the marketplace is not to escape to the Himalayas or to a monastery. The real escape is to drop the mind and to exist as the heart. To exist as the heart is what I mean by being a drunkard . . . to exist as a lover. Then prayer is easy, then worship is easy, then trust is easy. It becomes so easy that one never asks how. If a person asks how to trust, how to love, he is simply showing that he exists in the head – the head always asks "how". The heart never asks how

Sunday, 20 April 2014


MASTERS POEM BY DR. RAM SHARMA A place of religious homogenity, aura of secular purity, life full of humanity, preachings of Sai full of continuity, driver of sorrows in entity, Allah, Iswar, Wahe Guru, God, all in sanctity

Friday, 7 March 2014

Mahasamadhi of Yogananda... March 7....

The great guru Paramahansa Yogananda 's last words: [from his poem MY INDIA] Mortal fires may raze all her homes and golden paddy fields; Yet to sleep on her ashes and dream immortality, O India, I will be there! God made the earth, and man made confining countries And their fancy-frozen boundaries. Where Ganges, woods, Himalayan caves, and men dream God-- I am hallowed; my body touched that sod [Recordings of Paramahansa Yogananda's satsangs (talks):]