A sannyasin has to be a song, not a monk, not a renunciate, but a song: joyful, alive, vital . . . not an escapist, but merging, melting, diving deep into life. Living life in its totality, unconditionally, because this is an opportunity given by God. To escape from it is to escape from God himself. By escaping the world you will never find God; it is by going deeper and deeper into his world that one day you will arrive at him, because he is hidden in his creation. God is not a person, but creativity – you can find him only through searching deep into his existence.
The old idea of sannyas, of monkhood, was escapist. My idea of sannyas is just the opposite. It is of love, tremendous love, for life. The old sannyas was sad because it was serious. The new sannyas has a laugh in its very heart, because life is not to be taken seriously but as fun, as a beautiful sport, a play, an acting, a drama.
And one has to live it with such intensity and passion, with such fire, that the torch of life burns at both ends simultaneously, only then can one know what bliss is.
Bliss is whenever you are totally involved in the moment and there is no past and no future, when just the moment exists and you disappear into the moment holding nothing back, that let-go is bliss. And out of that let-go, a thousand and one songs arise. Life becomes a celebration.
Live life as celebration. Then you need not seek and search for God, he will seek and search for you. Whenever a person is ready, God comes. One need not go to God.

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